
Privacy policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that can be stored on the computer when a visitor comes to a website. They are used to store information on your computer, mobile phone or tablet to improve the user experience and to provide certain services. Cookies are used in most sites and are used to keep users logged on, remember the settings that visitors choose or what’s added to the cart. They can also be used to log in visitors automatically when they return to a page.

How are cookies used on this site?

This site uses cookies as follows:

  • To keep visitors logged in when they navigate the site’s various pages.
  • To store information about user settings.
  • In order to display the cookie information banner to new users.
  • In order to collect anonymous statistics such as which pages are visited and how long each visit lasts.

Third parties

Information about visitor statistics can also be shared with Google through the tool Google Analytics. It is possible to tell websites not to collect this information using Google’s browser extension “Google Analytics Opt-out”. For more information on this see Google’s data policies. Information about the user settings in the Google Maps windows can also be shared with Google. For more information on this see Google’s data policies. Information can also be shared with Facebook when you use the “Share” buttons. For more information, refer to Facebook’s data policies.

Block or delete cookies

To prohibit cookies to be stored on your computer, you can in most browsers choose to block cookies. However, this can affect how websites work and in some cases, they won’t work until you allow cookies. If you wan’t to remove cookies that have already been saved to your computer, you can do this in your browser settings. For more information on how to do it in different browsers, refer to aboutcookies.org and allaboutcookies.org.

Business policy

Our mission is to offer efficient test possibilities in cold climate for the automotive industry. This will be done through immediate service, continuous improvement and development of our product concept. Environmental work shall be a natural part of our daily work. Our work shall be characterized by continuously improvements, safe and healthy workplaces with respect for people and environment.

We will achieve this by doing the following:

  • Tasks, responsibilities and authorities shall be clearly defined for everyone to make it possible for us to meet our   customers demands and needs. Our way of working shall be characterized by listen to customers needs, flexibility  and high level of service.
  • We shall carefully find out our customers demands and expectations and do the best of our ability deliver our services according to specifications and requirements agreed upon.
  • We shall make it easy for our customers to give us an immediate feedback from faults and discrepancies. If an error has occurred, we shall find the reason for it, inform those affected by it and take immediate action to prevent this from happening again.
  • On an annual basis we shall investigate and present the customer satisfaction of our performance.
  • Continuously train and educate our personnel. Education and practice in quality-, environment- and work environment issues should take place before the start of each test season.
  • Make sure that all employees will get involved and engaged in to the work environment issues, mainly through participation during the decision process and through delegation of responsibility.
  • We shall economize on energy, water and other natural resources. The environmental aspects shall always be important when we decide on new materials, equipment and chemicals.
  • We shall minimize the amount of refuse and discharge from our business.
  • We shall keep up good preparedness for fire, discharge and accidents through a systematic evaluation of risks within our business.
  • Regulations, legislations and other demands set by Swedish authorities regarding quality-, environment-, and work environment areas shall be fulfilled.

Mikael Hallin
Managing Director

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