a huge testing infrastructure with endless possibilities

Colmis gives you access to an impressive infrastructure of more than 700km of combined testing tracks. Our multipurpose testing areas comprise a large variety of land tracks as well as ice tracks on the frozen lakes. 

Our tracks are built to satisfy the most demanding tests of today’s vehicle development and are regularly updated accordingly.

We constantly customise our tracks following the needs of our customers.

Land Tracks (available from november to march)


The area features a 170 metres diameter circle and an acceleration straight of roughly 150 metres.

It also includes two test hills: a 100-metre-long hill (5% gradient) and a second 50-metre-long test hill (10% gradient).

Testing possibilities are multiple: all kinds of breaking manoeuvres, ESP, drift steering, etc.

Surface: the area includes several surfaces, such as scraped and packed snow, polished ice, and can be customised at a customer’s request.

circle track

An impressive 3,000 metre circular track with a width of 8 metres.

Test Possibilities: Drivability; Constant speed tests; Snow intrusion; Durability.

Surface: Packed and scraped snow surface.


Split-µ track

One of our most popular tracks.

Squares like a chessboard with heated asphalt and polished ice. 

The split-mu is 230 metres long and 10 metres wide. 

Test Possibilities: Active safety development for optimisation of ABS brake performance; Traction control development; ECS calibration.

Surface: Heated asphalt and polished ice areas. 


An 80 metres long and 3 metres wide twisted bumps and cobblestone track, popular for NVH testing.

Test Possibilities: Common test; Noise and vibration; Rattle and squeak; Suspension tests.

HILL TRACKs 10% + 15% AND 20% (heated)

Heated asphalt in the middle + one area with polished ice on each side of the asphalt.

Hill 1: Gradient 15% & 20% with a length of 25 metres and a with of 6 metres. 

Hill 2: Gradient 10% with a length of 20 metres and a with of 5.5 metres. 

Test possibilities: Traction control and Driveline development.

Surface: the area includes several surfaces, such as scraped and packed snow, polished ice, and can be customised at a customer’s request.

snow chain section

Hilly track with hairpin bends and deep snow with a length of 600 metres and a width of 6 metres.

Test Possibilities: Snow chain tests; AWD and traction performance for optimised propulsion.

Surface: Packed and scraped snow surface.


Track with bumps and narrow curves.

Test Possibilities: Used for suspension and NVH (squeaks and rattle) testing but also good for AWD and traction control performance.

Surface: Packed snow.


A 1,600 metres long handling track with a width of 6 metres, ideal for vehicle dynamics related properties tests.

Test Possibilities: Vehicle balance and stability for suspension development and ESC calibration; Optimisation of driveline performance; Tire tests; Other sub-system development and validation is possible.


A unique very varied 10 km long track (width of 5 metres), hilly and with a lot of curves.

Altitude difference from lowest to highest point = 110m

Test Possibilities: Can be used for mileage collection and durability tests but also vehicle dynamics related properties tests such as vehicle balance and stability for suspension development and ESC calibration, optimisation of driveline and AWD performance; tire tests and other sub-system development and validation is possible.

Surface: Packed snow.


A technical track with twisted bumps, camber hill and diagnostic hill. 

Test Possibilities: Traction control, among many other off-road tests. 

Surface: Packed snow.


A test track unique to Colmis.

A specially prepared track available on demand for specific testing in slush conditions.

Length= 20m Width= 3m

Lake Tracks (available january to march)

Handling Tracks

We provide our short term customers with two different sizes of handling tracks, which can also be connected together.

Handling 1 is 3,380 metres long and 10 metres wide.

Handling 2 is 1,760 metres long and 10 metres wide.

Testing Possibilities: can be used for vehicle dynamics related properties tests such as vehicle balance and stability for suspension development and ESC calibration; also optimisation of driveline performance and other sub-system development and validation is possible.

Surface: scraped ice.


We provide two different types of circular track sizes for our short term customers.

Big Circular Track: Length 1,250m Width 40m Diameter 400m

Smal Circular Track: Length 620m Width 50m Diameter 200m

Testing Possibilities: can be used for snow intrusion tests and vehicle dynamics related properties tests such as vehicle balance and stability for suspension development and ESC calibration; also optimisation of driveline performance and other sub-system development and validation is possible.

Surface: tracks are prepared with scraped ice.
Polished ice inner lane is an option on request.

Dynamic AREA straights

We also provide our short term customers with a dynamic area with acceleration/breaking straights: 

The straight is 1,710 metres long and has sections with widths of 35, 45 and up to 120 metres.  

Testing Possibilities: can be used for vehicle dynamics related properties tests such as vehicle balance and stability for suspension development and ESC calibration; also optimisation of driveline performance and other sub-system development and validation is possible.

Surface: scraped ice.